Case Study: Launching the Hudl Community with Claire Ashdown


We had the pleasure of working with Claire Ashdown, the founder and creator of the community platform Hudl. Our collaboration focused on addressing her community's pain points and devising a comprehensive strategy to launch her community effectively. Here's a detailed look at how we supported Claire and the steps we recommend for launching a successful community.

Understanding Claire's Needs

Discovery Call

Our journey with Claire began with a 1:1 discovery call to understand her specific needs and vision for Hudl. This initial step was crucial in identifying the areas where she needed the most support and in tailoring our approach to meet her goals.


After taking the time to understand Claire’s needs in a discovery call we agreed that the best solution was a done with you service, implemented through a strategy call and a playbook for Claire to have steps, solutions and ideas on how to launch and captivate her community. After an hour and a half call were we brainstormed and dove deeper into the community values, needs and vision we got working on the strategy playbook.

Crafting the Solution

Community Strategy

We conducted a thorough audit of Hudl’s existing setup and provided suggestions to refine her onboarding and welcome processes. This included enhancing the user experience from the moment new members joined the platform.

Suggestions we made:

  • Personalised Welcome Messages: Implementing personalised welcome messages for new members to make them feel valued and part of the community from the start.

  • Interactive Onboarding Tours: Creating interactive onboarding tours that guide new members through the platform’s features and resources.

  • Welcome Checklist: Develop a checklist for new members to ensure they complete key steps such as setting up their profiles, joining relevant groups, and introducing themselves.

  • Feedback Loop: Establishing a feedback loop to continuously gather new members' input on their onboarding experience and make necessary adjustments.

  • Set up a welcome email funnel: Ensure that all members are prompted to jump back into the community introduce themselves and to highlight events and community features.

Content and Engagement

We reviewed Claire’s current content and engagement plans, providing her with a playbook for moderation and engagement. This playbook also included a content strategy designed to sustain Hudl’s growth for the next six months.

What tips did we share?

  • Content Calendar: Creating a content calendar to create rituals. Plan and schedule regular posts, events, and activities.

  • Engagement Tactics: Introducing various engagement tactics such as polls, Q&A sessions, and challenges to keep the community active and involved.

  • Member Spotlights: Featuring members regularly to highlight their contributions and build a sense of recognition and appreciation.

  • Resource Sharing: Encouraging members to share valuable resources, articles, and tools to foster a collaborative environment.

  • Theme Months: Organising theme months around specific topics relevant to the community to drive focused discussions and activities.

Launch Preparation

The final stage involved preparing for the launch. We developed an email and social media launch strategy that would help Claire overcome any hesitations and ensure a successful community launch.

What was the key message to Claire in launching?

  • Build Anticipation: Emphasise the importance of building anticipation through sneak peeks and early announcements to generate excitement.

  • Clear Communication: Maintain clear and consistent communication with potential members about the benefits of joining Hudl and the value it offers.

  • Leverage Networks: Utilise Claire’s existing contacts and social media channels to spread the word and attract a wider audience.

  • Offer Incentives: Consider offering incentives such as exclusive access, discounts, or bonuses to encourage sign-ups.

  • Stay Authentic: Ensure all communications and promotions reflect the authentic voice and mission of Hudl to build trust and connection with the audience.

What Claire Had to Say

Here is what Claire had to say about working with us:

"A huge thank you for your help and guidance. I was feeling a bit lost and overwhelmed with how to approach this launch and having your support has given me so much more clarity and confidence in how I approach it.."

Hot Community Launch Tips

We had a lot of fun preparing the launch strategy with Claire. Here are some simple steps to think about when launching your community:

🦆 Have All Your Ducks in a Row

Set up and activate your welcome, onboarding, and content strategy. Ensuring a smooth initial experience for new members is crucial for retention and engagement.

💌 Create a Waitlist

Start talking about your community at least a month before launch. Build a waitlist to gather interest and keep potential members excited.

💼 Plan a Sales Window for “Founding Members”

Create an exclusive opportunity for early adopters to become "founding members" with a limited-time offer. This adds urgency and excitement to your launch.

📩 Engage with Social Media & Email

Launch a dedicated social media campaign and email sequence to build anticipation and drive sign-ups. Share sneak peeks and benefits to captivate your audience.

🎁 Offer Enticing Incentives

Consider launch discounts or special bonuses like a free coaching session or exclusive course access to entice potential members.

🤝 Leverage Existing Networks

Promote the community through your contacts and social media channels. Personal endorsements can boost credibility and reach.

🎉 Welcome Week Celebration

Warmly welcome your new members and kick off your content calendar with engaging activities to maintain momentum.

Final Words

We are proud to have been a part of the Hudl journey and look forward to collaborating again in the future. Claire’s success story is a testament to the power of strategic planning and the impact a well-supported community can have. By addressing onboarding processes, creating engaging content, and preparing a comprehensive launch strategy, we were able to help Claire realise her vision for Hudl.

Launching a community is no small feat, but with the right preparation and support, it can lead to incredible growth and engagement. If you’re looking to launch your own community, consider these steps and strategies to ensure a successful and buzz-worthy start.

Interested in launching your own community let’s chat.


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