5 Years in Business: 5 Wins, 5 Realities & Reflections & 5 Learnings

This month, I celebrate 5 years in business. The journey has been filled with successes, challenges, and growth that has shaped not just my business but also who I am as a founder. To mark this milestone, I want to reflect on 5 key wins, 5 realities from my business timeline, and 5 valuable lessons I’ve learned along the way.

5 Big Wins

  1. Client Success - Found & Flourish Migration and Longest longest-standing client since 2021
    Helping Found & Flourish migrate from Facebook to Circle remains one of my most rewarding achievements. Beyond the technical success, it underscored the importance of data privacy, safety, and long-term client trust—proving the value of creating secure, well-managed communities. I’m proud to say this client relationship has thrived for almost 3 years​.

  2. Awards and Recognitions

    • Recognition in Inspirational Woman of the Year by Startups Magazine 2022
      Being named as an inspirational woman in my industry was a moment of deep pride. This recognition reinforced that my work is not just about business—it’s about making an impact, particularly in creating spaces for female founders and entrepreneurs​

    • Digital Community Leader Award - Digital Women Awards 2023
      Winning this award has been a major highlight. It validated my passion and dedication to fostering meaningful communities in the digital space. This recognition is a testament to the time and energy spent building and nurturing these spaces.

  3. Acceptance and Participation in The Break Programme 2022
    Being part of The Break Programme was a transformative experience. It gave me the opportunity to step back, learn, and develop a fresh perspective on how I can better serve communities and entrepreneurs—particularly female-led spaces.

  4. Speaker at the Community Led Summit 2023.

    Speaking at the Community Led Summit in 2023 was an incredible opportunity to share my expertise with other community builders. It was an honour to contribute to a global conversation about the power and importance of accessible diverse, safe and inclusive communities.

  5. Partnerships with Heartbeat App and Circle App 2024
    Being recognized as a community expert and partnering with platforms like Heartbeat and Circle has been essential in staying ahead in community management. These partnerships have allowed me to continue evolving, always offering the best tools and insights to my clients​.


Get yourself out there and share your story. People buy from People.

5 Realities & Reflections

Looking back on the past five years, these realities reflect key moments on my business timeline.

  • Year 1: 2019 - Getting My First Client (AndCo and Portabl)
    My first year in business was a whirlwind of excitement and learning. Securing my first clients, AndCo and Portabl, was a major turning point that gave me the confidence to build something bigger.

  • Year 2: 2020 - Rebranding and Trademarking
    Year two was about refining who I was as a brand Serena G Consulting Ltd transformed into Sense and Forum. I underwent a complete rebranding, trademarked "Sense and Forum," and began to solidify my place in the community-building world.

  • Year 3: 2021 - Transition from Event Manager to Community Manager
    This was the year I fully transitioned from managing events to focusing on community management. I realised that my strength lay in creating moments and building lasting, meaningful relationships.

  • Year 4: 2022 - Becoming a Community Strategist and Specialist
    By year four, my role evolved from a community manager to a strategist, with a focus on diversity and inclusion, female-founded and female-led spaces. This was the year I leaned into my passion for supporting underrepresented voices.

  • Year 5: 2023 - Maternity Leave and Building Partnerships
    This year brought new challenges and growth as I balanced maternity leave while continuing to build strong partnerships. It’s been a time of reflection, proving that adaptability and forward planning are key to sustainable success.

  • 2024 and Beyond - Expanding Impact and Embracing Innovation
    Looking ahead, 2024 is about expansion. My goal is to scale the business while continuing to focus on creating inclusive, innovative spaces for female founders and solopreneurs. Embracing new technologies like AI and automation will allow me to streamline processes and create even more impact. The next chapter is about growth, partnerships, and making a global impact.

Celebrate Everything

Because business life is boring if you don’t

honest reality

The Fight to Keep Going - One of the hardest reality I’ve faced throughout this journey is the constant hustle of maintaining a stable income as a self-employed business owner. There were (and still are) times when the money didn’t come in as expected, and I found myself doubting whether I could keep going. The internal fight to stay confident, to remind myself of my worth, and to push through the lack of financial security has been one of the toughest battles. But despite the fear and uncertainty, the belief in my mission and the impact I’m making has kept me moving forward. Every challenge has pushed me to become more resourceful, to innovate, and to trust that persistence will pay off in the end.

5 Key Learnings

  1. Trust Your Gut Instincts
    Over the years, I’ve learned to trust my intuition. Whether it’s choosing the right partnerships or making difficult decisions, following my gut has never steered me wrong.

  2. Community is Everything—Invest in Your Network and People
    Building a community isn’t about the numbers. It’s about fostering trust, connection, and creating spaces where people feel seen and heard. Investing in people is what leads to long-term success​.

  3. Don’t Hold Back—Get Yourself Out There
    Being visible and active is critical. From speaking at events to connecting with new partners, putting yourself out there helps you grow both personally and professionally.

  4. Invest in Yourself and Your Business
    Whether it’s investing in education, technology, or personal development, every time I’ve invested in myself, I’ve seen returns not just for my business but for my personal growth as well.

  5. Empathy as a Business Strategy
    At the heart of building communities is empathy. Understanding the needs of my clients and community members has helped me build stronger, more effective strategies and relationships​.

Best Testimonial Ever!

"You are a Community Goddess" - June Mineyama-Smithson

Bonus Learning

Celebrate the Sh*t Out of Everything Big and Small
One of the most important lessons I’ve learned is to celebrate all wins, big or small. Running a business is tough, and it’s easy to move on to the next challenge without recognising progress. Taking time to celebrate achievements, no matter the size has helped me stay grounded and motivated.

I’m incredibly grateful for these past five years—for every win, every challenge, and every lesson. Thank you for being part of this journey. Here’s to the next chapter and all the exciting things ahead! Let’s See where it takes us.


Olympic Women: Forces of Nature, Power of Community